merupakan versi android dari website Website merupakan website pribadi Ust. Firanda Andirja MA yang banyak mengandung manfaat ilmu bagi kaum muslimin. Materi yang dibahas dalam website tersebut mencakup kategori berikut:
1. Sirah
2. Adab dan Akhlak
3. Amalan Hati
4. Penyakit Hati
5. Status Facebook
6. Lain-Lain
7. Khutbah Jumat Masjid Nabawi
8. Aqidah
9. Bantahan
10. Fiqih
11. Hadits
12. Keluarga
13. Manhaj
14. Tafsir
15. Wejangan
16. Surga dan Neraka
Semoga bermanfaat bagi kaum muslimin. Dan semoga Allah menjadikan amal kami ikhlas semata-mata mengharap ridho Allah. an android version of the website Website a personal website Ust. Firanda Andirja MA which contains the benefits of science for the Muslims. The material covered in the website include the following categories:
1. Sirah
2. Manners and Morals
3. Practice Heart
4. Liver Disease
5. Status Facebook
6. Else
7. The Friday sermon the Prophet's Mosque
8. Aqidah
9. Rebuttal
10. Fiqh
11. Hadith
12. Family
13. Manhaj
14. Interpretation
15. Words
16. Heaven and Hell
May be useful for Muslims. And may God make our charity solely sincere hope and the blessings of God.